4 ⭐’s For the Conclusion of the His Confession Trilogy – His Destiny

His Destiny (His Confession Trilogy #3)His Destiny by Angel Rayne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dark, gritty, tragic and twisted. The conclusion to Tristan and Luna’s dark, twisted story.

The conclusion to this trilogy was great! The story drew me in and held on tight until the ending. It was twisted, dark and tragic throughout, but the ending was great. Tristan’s dark, twisted past haunts him and holds him prisoner until Luna shines a light on and shows him that life can be lived and not just move through the motions. She gives him a reason to live and look for the light.

Luna has uncovered many secrets, but she’s also kept her own from Logan. Now that all of the secrets have to light, she needs to find a way to move on and live her life, but can she find a place for Tristan to live it with her? Can they overcome the darkness and find a way to live their lives rather than move through life?

I loved this trilogy and the characters in the book.

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