My Review of : Wife Wanted by Laramie Briscoe, Part of the Wife For Hire Agency Series

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 out of 5

Shane is in need of a wife to help him care for his daughter that was dropped on his doorstep. A police officer that is in need of someone to care for his daughter while he works. His desperation causes him to reach out to an agency that matches couples to marry. Both parties are aware of what each is looking for and who knows, maybe it will work out to a love match in the end?

Courtney is looking for a way to get out of the apartment she’s living in. It’s not a good area and the neighbors aren’t the greatest. Her close friend tells her to reach out to Wife for Hire Agency, and she finally does. When she gets her match her life starts to look up.

This was a quick read, but a clean and enjoyable read. While this was a deviation from her normal stories, I loved it and she hit it out of the park!

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