HONOUR A HERO WEEKEND! On the weekend of June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2024, The Elizabeth’s Trusts are concentrating on a fundraiser solely aimed at raising funds for Phoenix Trust.

I’m so proud and excited that we’re doing this fundraising event. As proud sister of a veteran (Army), a sister in-law of a retired Veteran (Army), and Aunt to an Active Army Guard Reservist, I am honored to share in this as part of the Elizabeth’s Trusts, and I hope that you will check this out!

I’ve heard what it’s like to be out serving your country and have no one back home who sends you a letter, a message, or a care package. It’s hard for them, but at Christmas, it’s beyond depressing. That’s what led to:

Honour a Hero weekend!

On the weekend of June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2024, The Elizabeth’s Trusts are concentrating on a fundraiser solely aimed at raising funds for Phoenix Trust. For this weekend, we are asking you to donate £17.00 or $21.00 towards providing a Christmas parcel for a member of the armed forces.

£17.00 will buy a Christmas box from Operation Christmas Box in the UK, which will be sent to a member of the armed forces currently serving. Christmas 2023, we raised money for 64 boxes to be delivered.

$21.00 will buy blankets, scarves, hats, travel mugs, and many other items for serving members of the armed forces and veterans who may be homeless or struggling. These will be sent via VA Centres.

These men and women fight for our right to live freely and defend our countries. Many of our armed forces don’t receive parcels in the UK and the USA from home. This can lead to feelings of depression, carelessness, and sometimes suicide. By giving £17.00 or $21.00, we can help these brave souls understand they are not alone and are thought of and cared about. Getting a parcel when you expect nothing is a huge joy and comfort and if we can help save one life, it is worth it.

Please help the Elizabeth’s Trusts help our heroes and show them they do not stand alone and that people think and pray for them and wish them all the very best.

The GoFundMe link is https://www.gofundme.com/f/elizabeths-phoenix-trust
For further information and statistics, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/elizabethtrusts

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